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Aug 24, 2017

Psychologist and passionate advocate for victims of child sexual abuse, Brooke Woon delivers insights into the mind of sexual perpetrators and provides tips for parents on how to teach children protective boundaries. Plus, she covers the two questions she has asked her self daily that helped her stay on her healing road...

Aug 21, 2017

“If you could see yourself as I see you, you would know that you are on course for greatness”- Aquamarine Solar Color Energy

Aquamarine is calling us to take a stand against the evil of hatred and fear that we see on display in the world today. Aquamarine is here to support us with its gifts of clarity, lucidity,...

Aug 17, 2017

Dr. Janice Carlin, author of Empathic Sensitivity, speaks to listeners through direct intuitive channeling. This powerful transmission of light and truth will empower, inspire, and support you as an empath and ultrasensitive person.

Learn more with Dr. Carlin’s book Empathic Sensitivity where you will discover that...

Aug 15, 2017

We are here to be transformed. Certified Life Mastery Consultant Pam Burton shares her own journey and nuggets of her transformation with host Rev. Misty Tyme.  Pam gives you tangible steps you can take to start to transform your life with the power of forgiveness.

Rev. Misty's new book The Forgiveness Solution: A Step...

Aug 10, 2017

“Identifying your fears is the #1 way to move forward.”

Rebecca L. Mahan has had to face her own share of traumas and challenges. Her career in law enforcement inspired her to create a 30 day trauma program for abused women in the community, and for those in the prison system.

The project produced incredible healing...