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Apr 29, 2019

Your ten lessons for Living in Divine Communion!

The Truth is Within, Dee Delaney's trilogy of books, chronicles her true life story of living through the death of three partners and her soul’s subsequent journey deep into the heart of the Divine. It is from here, Dee emerged with a deep understanding and expression of spiritual wisdom. She calls this wisdom the 10 Lessons for Living in Divine Communion and we discuss each one today.

Dee Delaney is a yogi and author of her trilogy of books: Book 1 The Truth: My Journey to the Other Side - takes the reader into the feeling heart, where the true self resides. Book 2 The Truth: Is the Art of Being - is a journey through the death realms and teaches the reader how to tame the thinking mind. Book 3 The Truth: Within the Heart of Love - is the story of union between heart and mind, and brings the reader into the heart of love. Find out more at

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