Aug 30, 2019
Anxiety and depression were a constant hurdle Amanda Yanez battled due to the mental, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse she endured. A wide variety of creative arts were Amanda's saving grace during her adolescent years and her way of dealing with the trauma induced shame and guilt she carried. Amanda has been...
Aug 29, 2019
You are a ripple in the universe, creating each moment for better or worse – Dee Delaney
The path of unity and peace is created when we bring all aspects of our being into balance. In this 6th episode author Dee Delaney and host Jo Youle explore the blueprint for life and discuss how to reclaim and integrate all 12...
Aug 27, 2019
Principle 5: I am the master of my mind.
Miguel introduces the art of mindfulness and a simple equation that when applied will change your life. Learn about your higher self and the different perspectives from which to live your life as you learn to be the master of your own mind and become the best version of yourself....
Aug 22, 2019
I am outside looking in, life is an illusion there is no sin: – Dee Delaney.
Everything that we create in life comes from within. We create our own reality through our thoughts and actions., and when we understand that we are capable of all things, there is no place for judgment, only love. In this 5th episode author...
Aug 20, 2019
Principle 4: I honor, respect, and nourish my physical body.
Miguel Dean shares what he has learned from his periods of ill health and how the body as our temple is much more than a collection of biological components. Simple yet effective tools and practices are shared, and we learn about the single most influential...