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Dec 10, 2020

“Who was this man in the mirror?"
"She was perfect. Beautiful. Those eyes, that smile. How could I have rejected her? What kind of person did that make me? Now, a second chance…. unbelievable."

Mike Pitocco candidly shares he was not a man that he was proud to be. Who is the person with the beautiful smile? How did...

Dec 6, 2020

“Can online dating be a crappy or happy experience?"
WildGeeseMO11, PassionPlay69, smores... what do these mean in the world of online dating? Laura Staley shares her funny and not so funny experiences dipping her toes in the virtual dating world.

Find out how Laura moved from PassionPlay69 to He Had Me at Mary Oliver...

Dec 2, 2020

Ken Walls' life was in a tailspin and he knew he needed help. He courageously and with his trademark humor and humility shares the night he knew he needed to get sober.

Read the rest of Ken's story and how God and a well meaning bat (yes, a flying bat!) helped him in our bestselling book Crappy to Happy: Sacred Stories...

Nov 27, 2020

“That which I used to heal myself, I now share with others."

The pressures of Diane Vich's job as a registered nurse dealing with Covid-19 patients melts away as the music washes over her body and soul.

When life is too difficult for words, Diane sings to empower her voice and dances to strengthen her soul. Connect...

Nov 17, 2020

“My compass in life points me to love."

Maria Lehtman's NDE (Near Death Experience) was life changing in so many ways. Maria shares her fight between worlds to return to her beloved husband and the everyday reality of recovery following such an intensely physical, emotional, and spiritual experience.

Read Maria's...