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Aug 23, 2021

Dr. Glen Martin, author of The Earth Constitution Solution discusses with David Gallup, President and General Counsel of the World Service Authority the development of world law by developing customs and traditions that embody an emerging sense of democratic world law applying to everyone.
The World Service Authority...

Aug 15, 2021

On this episode of The Sacral Circle Angel Santiago, a Transformational Coach and Spiritual Teacher, opens up to host Janie Terrazas about the unconscious sexual childhood wounds that impacted his identity and masculinity. He shares insights on emotional incest, a parental wound that is rarely talked about and has deep...

Aug 6, 2021

A fascinating conversation with Dr. Glen T. Martin on what The Earth Constitution is and what it is not. Dr. Martin debunks the common misconceptions on the Earth Constitution as pointing to a One World Order and explains how it is about a World Democracy that works for all.

DR. GLEN T. MARTIN is professor of philosophy...