Feb 28, 2017
You may have heard the writing that says "Until one is committed
there is hesitancy", and ends with one of Goethe's poetic lines,
"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness
has genius, power, and magic in it."
The Step that correlates with this Gateway is Step Three:
"Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of
god as we understand God."
The Third Gateway is really my favorite, because without it,
nothing of lasting value is possible. The idea of making a decision
is so powerful, and once we make a decision about something, then
providence moves too.
Once we have admitted powerlessness in our own attempts to
control the Universe, we open into a whole new realm...the realm of
the possible in which we COME TO BELIEVE that a Power greater than
Ourselves has the power and the inclination to restore us to
But the third leg of this three-legged stool only in place
when we not only admit and come to believe but DECIDE to turn our
over to the care of this Higher Power. Then Providence moves
I would like to share one of my favorite Rilke poems with you
in closing.
It is called Magic
"From indescribable transformation flash
Such creations---: Feel! and trust!
We suffer it often; flames become ash;
Yet in art: flames come from dust.
Here is magic. In the realm of a spell
The common word seems lifted up above...
and yet is really like the call of the male
who calls for the invisible female dove."
August 1924